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Details of our Journal articles and Conference proceedings are available at:
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Homogenization of non-rigid origami metamaterials as Kirchhoff–Love plates (2024). SP Vasudevan, PP Pratapa. International Journal of Solids and Structures 300, 112929.
Lattice modes of periodic origami tessellations with voids (2023). A Lahiri, PP Pratapa. Mechanics Research Communications 132, 104167.
Folding-angle framework for structural modeling of rigid triangulated Miura-ori lattices (2023). A Lahiri, PP Pratapa. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics 15(5), 051004.
Thick panel origami for load-bearing deployable structures (2022). PP Pratapa, A Bellamkonda. Mechanics Research Communications 124, 103937.
Origami metamaterials with near-constant Poisson functions over finite strains (2021). SP Vasudevan, PP Pratapa. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 147 (11), 04021093.

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