Our research group is interested in designing futuristic
structures and
drawing from the ideas of
lattice mechanics
origami engineering and
3D printing
Using these concepts, we hope to create structural/material systems with superior mechanical performance and multi-functionality that will have applications across many engineering disciplines.
Prof. Phanisri Pradeep Pratapa is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at IIT Madras.
Last updated 6 Sep 2024.
Sep 2024: Prof. Phanisri Pradeep Pratapa is awarded the Teaching Excellence Award for the year 2024 by IIT Madras.
Sep 2024: Our work on testing of concrete 3D printed walls was presented at the Digital Concrete (DC) 2024, Fourth RILEM International Conference on Concrete and Digital Fabrication, held at Munich, Germany. Link to the paper.​
Jul 2024: Master's student Raashid Muhammad won Prof Juergen Plaehn Prize for best experimental work and his thesis. His thesis was on structural optimization and non-prismatic reinforced concrete beams.
Jul 2024: PhD students Anandaroop and Siva Poornan, and Master's students Raashid and Pratik from our group were awarded degrees during the convocation at IIT Madras.
Jul 2024: We have presented our research on origami metamaterials at the 8th International Meeting on Origami in Science, Mathematics and Education (8OSME) held at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.
Jun 2024: We have presented our research on thick morphing origami at the Mechanisms and Machine Theory (MMT) Symposium held at University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal.
Jun 2024: Our collaborative work on a review paper on Origami Engineering is published in Nature Reviews Methods Primers (NRMP). Link to the journal article.
Jun 2024: Our research on homogenization of origami metamaterials is published in the International Journal of Solids and Structures (IJSS). Link to the journal article.
Apr 2024: Second PhD student from our research group, Siva Poornan Vasudevan, successfully defended his thesis.
Mar 2024: First PhD student from our research group, Anandaroop Lahiri, successfully defended his thesis.
Dec 2023: First Master's student (MS by research) Adarsh Kumar Tiwari graduated from our group. Adarsh's work is related to 3D printing of concrete lattice structures that can be used as metamaterials. His work is published in the Journal of Building Engineering. Link to the journal article.
Aug 2023: Prof. Phanisri Pradeep Pratapa is awarded the CSR Changemaker award by IIT Madras for his contributions to concrete 3D printing projects.
Jul 2023: Master's student Jayakrishnan graduated from our group.
May 2023: Our research group's work is presented at the ASCE EMI 2023 conference held at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA.
May 2023: Prof. Phanisri Pradeep Pratapa visited Prof. Glaucio Paulino's group at Princeton University and Prof. Sriram Malladi's group at Michigan Tech for research collaboration.
Sep 2022: We have presented our theoretical research work on beam shape optimization in the NCMDAO 2022 virtual conference.
Aug 2022: Prof. Phanisri Pradeep Pratapa is awarded the Young Faculty Recognition Award (YFRA) for the year 2022 by IIT Madras.
Jul 2022: Our research group's international collaborative work on origami metamaterials is published in the journal Advanced Materials. Link to the journal article.
Jul 2022: Master's students Saurabh and Keerthana graduated from our group.
Nov 2021: Our article on origami metamaterials with constant Poisson's ratios is selected for the Editor's Choice Collection of the ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics. It has also been selected to feature on IITM Tech Talk - the media outlet for cutting edge research from IIT Madras and The Hindu.
Link to the media articles: IITM Tech Talk, The Hindu.
Link to the journal article.
Oct 2021: We have presented our research work on origami metamaterials in the NCMDAO 2021 virtual conference. Prof. Pratapa co-organized the conference as a core committee member. Proceedings can be found here.
Sep 2021: Our research group's first paper is out. The work on origami metamaterials with constant Poisson's ratios is published in the ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics. Link to the journal article.
Aug 2021: We have presented our research work on deployable origami surfaces at the IASS 2021 virtual conference.
Aug 2021: We have presented our research work on origami lattice mechanics at the ASME IDETC 2021 virtual conference. Proceedings can be found here.
July 2021: The first batch of undergraduate and master's students have graduated from our group. Good luck to Sri Chandana, Kishore, and Abhilash.
May 2021: We have presented our research work on origami metamaterials in the ASCE EMI 2021 virtual conference.
Jun 2020: PhD research scholar Siva Poornan Vasudevan was selected as the Winner of the ASCE EMI 2020 Elasticity Student Paper Competition held virtually on 27 May 2020, for his work on "Scissor-Hinge Lattice Structure with Programmable Poisson's Ratio over Large Strain".
ASCE news article link: Click Here
Jun 2020: PhD research scholar Anandaroop Lahiri was selected as one of the four finalists of the ASCE EMI 2020 Elasticity Student Paper Competition held virtually on 27 May 2020, for his work on "Bloch wave analysis of 1D rigid triangulated Miura-ori lattice".
Apr 2019: Morphing origami work covered by phys.org and as a focus article.
Feb 2019: Morphing origami work accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters (PRL). We created a new origami-based pattern that can exhibit extremely tunable Poisson's ratio going theoretically from negative infinity to positive infinity as it folds and that can morph into a hybrid material system with re-programmable combination of contrasting metamaterials. Link to the journal article.
Jan 2019: Dr. Phanisri Pradeep Pratapa joins as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras in Chennai, India.